The Indian Cobra and the Tasty Jungle-Fowl Eggs

Life is not easy, we work our way up every day to eat and put a shelter over our head. Can you imagine how hard it would be in a jungle? The Indian cobra after a long search in the grassland has found the scent of the jungle-fowl eggs and has gulped it all. The poor jungle-fowl mother had no option but to abandon the nest and run. It sounds simple but was it?

Indian Cobras are terrestrial and active foragers but how do they find food in such a complex world? It all starts with searching the forest floor and once the cobra gets hold of the scent, the hunt is on. This Indian cobra (Naja naja), after finding the nest, waited patiently and swallowed the eggs one by one, using its strong stomach to crack them up. Life is not easy for a snake, next time if you see them on trial, just observe and do not disturb them. They are on a mission 🙂 Enjoy watching the video below!



About santosh

Amateur Photographer, Marketing Analyst and Nature Lover, I travel wherever i can and write about the new people, places and beautiful moments my eyes and camera capture!

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