The Woodpecker and piculet of India: Distribution and count

If you love woodpeckers and would like to see how they are distributed across India, here is a preview of few species of woodpeckers distribution based on the data provided by e-bird. The data used here is only for visualization purposes and for any further details regarding the data, please reach out to e-bird. You can search and compare distribution of piculets and 5 species of woodpeckers across different states of India. You can also modify the search based on year, time of observation, breeding code and month of the year. Open the below Power BI report in full screen-mode for better experience.

The woodpeckers are beautiful, noisy and dominate the different layers of the forests from forest floor to the canopy level. Their presence is very critical to the forest ecosystem and are often referred to as the ecosystem engineers. They help in keeping control the stemborer infestations and also studies have shown that the abandoned nest cavities of woodpeckers are often used by other bird species who are not primary nest excavators.

Will upload the data with all the species of woodpeckers soon, happy birding with data.

White-bellied woodpecker flying after a tasty meal.

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